SJ Altar Ordinary Time with Jubilee 2025 logo

FISHERS OF MEN February 9, 2025

Publié : Feb-05-2025

Today the Gospel tells of a miracle and a vocation. When Our Lord called Simon Peter to be His follower, He won His admiration by working a miracle. Simon was a fisherman. On the occasion we hear of today, he had had an unsuccessful night’s fishing. Our Lord told him to put his faith in Him and throw out the nets once more, on the other side of the boat. Having done as He suggested, Simon was astonished to find that he had caught a huge number of fish. Our Lord told Simon that he would "become a fisher of men". ~ FR. PAUL DOBSON

Ashadeep Thank You, 2024

The parishioners of St. Patrick’s, and St. Joseph along with other donors in the GTA and beyond, have responded with ongoing generosity and support this past year to the fund-raising request for Ashadeep, Centre for the Differently Abled. The amount collected in 2024 was $25,000.00. The total has been sent from St. Patrick’s directly to Ashadeep via the Bijnor Diocese. The money raised will be used to equip a physiotherapy, occupational therapy and sensory rooms for the children who are disabled and mentally challenged. Fr. Mathew John, Director of Ashadeep sent this message: Thank you very much for all your kind support and encouragement given to Ashadeep. We will remember you with gratitude at the Altar during our Midnight Mass. Your support makes a big difference in enabling these children to live independent lives to the best of their ability. ***THANK YOU***