SJ Altar Ordinary Time with Jubilee 2025 logo


Publié : Jan-29-2025

This Sunday is the final feast of the Christmas cycle, in which we celebrate the event which St. Luke tells us took place forty days after our Lord was born, when “in accordance with the Law of the Lord” His parents took the infant Jesus to the Temple. There He was recognised by the aged holy man Simeon who saw in this child the fulfilment of the Holy Spirit’s promise to him that he would not die before he had set eyes upon the Messiah, the “Christ” or Anointed One of God.

     Simeon then sang praise to God for this child who is the “light to enlighten the gentiles” and “the glory of God’s people, Israel”. However, his joy was tinged with sorrow as he foretold to Mary that because her Son would be rejected by many of His own people, “a sword will pierce her heart.” Nevertheless, light and glory are the dominant notes of this feast, giving it the name “Candlemas Day”.   

                                                  ~ FR. PAUL DOBSON