Come join other Catholic women on a journey of faith, service and friendship.
This sisterhood of over 70,000 like-minded women throughout Canada provides opportunities for you to play an important role and make a difference in the Church, our community and in society. The Catholic Women’s League of Canada commemorated its 100th anniversary in 2020 and in 2022, Our Parish League celebrated its 65th Anniversary.
The CWL of Canada was organized nationally on June 17, 1920, and granted federal incorporation on December 12, 1923. The Catholic Women’s League of St Joseph’s, Streetsville received its League Charter on January 9th, 1957, with the motto ‘For God and Canada’.
The combined voices of Catholic Women are raised on many social justice issues such as Human trafficking, Mental Illness, Euthanasia, Palliative care, Aboriginal rights, nuclear disarmament and Care for our Common Home (the planet). The Catholic Women’s League is the only religious women’s organization to meet with the Prime Minister and have met with the Government every year since 1974.
On a local level we support many different charities, in our church, the community and in developing countries and hold fundraising events to support these organizations such as the annual Valentine Day, Mothers & Fathers Day bake sale and biannual Social Event.
The League supports Parish activities such as the Funeral Ministry, Parish Feast Day celebrations, Family Day events and Parish Picnics.
We are a sisterhood of faith, extending the hand of care and friendship to fellow members of the St. Joseph Council of the Catholic Women’s League, through prayer, maintaining contact, and providing emotional and practical support.
Our membership meets once a month in the church hall. If you would like to be a part of this ministry or would like further information, connect via:
Outdoor Stations of the Cross: To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada in 2020, our CWL executive acquired and arranged to put the Stations of the Cross on the outside of the church to facilitate prayer at times when the church is unavailable. The Stations came from Quebec and with help from the Knights and several generous individuals they were transported to our church, where they were transformed by one parishioner who built the boxes to protect and display them to advantage.
Thank you to everyone who contributed their talent and made financial donations to this project, and we hope all parishioners will enjoy being able to pray the Stations of the Cross at any time