Rosary Garden


Przesłane : Oct-18-2023

October is respect life month and this year’s theme is:

“Made for Greater Things!”

     This message of love comes directly from Archbishop José H. Gomez, in his second Pastoral Letter ‘For greater things you were born’ he writes:

     “Nothing can contain our greatness! What a statement. The first disciples lived their Christian identity and proclaimed their faith with this overwhelming sense of astonishment. And so should we, my brothers, and sisters! It is time for all of us in the Church — bishops, priests, deacons, seminarians, consecrated, religious and lay people — all of us should be alive with a new sense of awe at our greatness in the eyes of God.

     We must learn again to see what the saints can see — that the human person is something marvelous in the universe. You and I are God’s masterpiece, each of us made in his image as a unity of body and soul, endowed with reason and free will, and given the vocation to imitate God and to share in his divine work, serving and ruling over his creation.

     We are made in the image of the Lord of history, the Author of Life, the Maker of heaven and earth! God is Love and so we are made in the image of love. I have always appreciated the poet Dante’s description of God as “the Love that moves the sun and the other stars.”

     Nature’s designs speak to us of God’s love and truth; and our existence is part of God’s plan of loving goodness. The human person is exceptional, we are not just one more creature in God’s creation. We are not just something, we are someone.”