Altar OT 2024 Front view


Przesłane : Sep-29-2024

You will have noticed how in the translation of the Sanctus in the Mass, reference is made to the Lord God of Hosts. This of course is a reference to the vision of the Prophet Ezekiel, where he sees Almighty God surrounded by the Heavenly Court of Angels who are continually singing Holy, Holy, Holy. The word Angel is actually a Greek word meaning messenger and the Scriptures tell us of the Angels who serve at God's Throne and do His bidding. Visions of Angels are described by various Old Testament Prophets and we are told that they have awe-inspiring countenances and are often fearful to look upon (very different from the cute child like images on Christmas cards). We invoke Angels in various parts of the Mass, such as during the Confiteor and the Preface. We echo their Christmas song in the Gloria in Excelsis Deo, and in the Roman Canon we pray "Almighty God, command that these offerings be borne by the hands of your Holy Angel to Your Altar on high."  We honour on the 29th of September three archangels.

     The Archangel Raphael, who represents the healing power of God; in the Old Testament he features in the book of Tobit where he guides the young Tobias to his future bride Sarah and assists him in vanquishing the demon, Asmodeus. He later cures Tobias' blind father. Some scholars identify him as being the angel who stirred the waters of the pool in the Temple in which the sick sought healing (as mentioned in the Gospel story of the curing of the blind man).

     Archangel Gabriel is the gentle comforter who helps the Prophet Daniel to discern his visions. He is the Angel who appears to Zachary in the Temple to announce the nativity of John the Baptist and, of course, he also appears to Our Blessed Lady at the Annunciation. The name Gabriel is from the Hebrew meaning Man of God.

     Archangel Michael is the heroic defender of Heaven and the leader of the Celestial Armies. The Apocalypse of St John reports how he does battle with Satan and his armies and conquers them. His name means in Hebrew Who Is Like Unto God? Many of you will know the prayer Holy Michael Archangel which is recited after Mass. Let us not forget to ask the assistance of the Angels in our daily prayers.

     You will find prayers to the Angels and to our Guardian Angels in most good Catholic Prayer Books.