Altar OT 2024 Front view

THE LORD’S BAPTISM January 14, 2024

Przesłane : Jan-10-2024

This public ministry is prepared for by Our Lord submitting to the baptism offered by his cousin, St John the Baptist. We celebrated the feast of the Lord’s baptism just this past Monday.

     It is very easy for us to get confused here. We tend to think of our own baptism and what that was for – our being set free from original sin, being made a temple for the Holy Trinity, given the gifts of faith, hope and charity, and becoming a member of the Catholic Church. Obviously, Our Lord's Baptism did not achieve for Him the same as it did for us. What then was the point of it? Our Lord joins the people who are going out to John the Baptist in a gesture of repentance, in sorrow for their sins. He joins them, not because He too is a sinner, but in order to show us that this is the only true and authentic way in which to approach our heavenly Father.

     Our Lord goes to the Baptist to reveal to us that at the heart of the Mystery of our salvation lies mercy, the mercy of a loving and forgiving Father. Our Lord, through His act of humility and submission, calls us to share in His relationship with the Father, which is announced from the heavens.

     Through our reception of God's mercy, we too become His beloved sons and daughters. As Our Lord acknowledges His Father as the fount of mercy, so we too are taught never to hesitate to do the same.  

With Fr Anish, Deacon George and the staff, I thank you

for your many generous gifts throughout Christmastide.

              ~   Fr. Paul Dobson

Thank you … to all those who volunteered their time and efforts to decorate the church for Christmas with flowers, the nativity scenes, trees and wreaths! …. to those that prepare the Altar and vestments, Altar Servers, Lectors, Extra-Ordinary ministers & ushers. …. to all our ministries that work throughout the year in service to our community of faith. And to our wonderful musicians and choirs who worked hard to make our celebrations especially joyful. And to Fr Anish who worked hard on the colourful light displays adorning the parish.