The Solemnity of the Holy Trinity


Przesłane : May-31-2023

The Feast of Pentecost, which we celebrated last week, brought to a conclusion the yearly cycle of the Paschal Mystery, in which we commemorate: the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord; His Glorification in Heaven; and His Gift of the Holy Spirit. Our Lord Himself told His Apostles that He would send them the Spirit ‘who will lead you to the complete truth’. In this way He indicated that the Apostles would only begin to understand the truth about His relationship to the Father, and the nature of the Holy Spirit, after Pentecost. So on this feast day the Church looks back over the ‘wonders of God’, preached by the Apostles inspired by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. We reflect on the ‘greatest of all mysteries’ of our faith, which lies within and beneath all other mysteries and truths of our faith, namely, the truth about Almighty God as He has chosen to reveal Himself to us. The Father is without origin, He is the source from which all being flows. The Son is begotten of the Father before all time, yet co-eternal with Him. In obedience to His Father the Son becomes our Saviour born of Mary, revealing God to us through His human nature. The Holy Spirit is the bond of love uniting the Father and the Son, and, proceeding from them, comes from the Father at the Son’s prayer to live in the hearts of those who believe in Him.

~ Fr. Paul Dobson