Altar Easter 2023


已发布 : Apr-19-2023

Today, the 3rd Sunday of Easter, we’re still at this wonderful part of Eastertide when our Sunday readings are recounting or us the different Resurrection appearances of the Lord to His disciples.

     This Sunday we have the long but significant account of the road to Emmaus, and I want to draw two applications from this:

    - First, that the Lord is walking at OUR side, even if Unseen, just as he walked by their side, initially unrecognised by them;

    - Second, that the Lord has something to SAY to each of us, just as He spoke to them, he spoke so powerfully that they said,           “Did not our hearts BURN within us as he talked to us on the road?” (Lk 24:32).

Together with Fr Anish, Deacon George and all the staff, I wish you, your family and friends a blessed Easter.  ~ Fr. Paul Dobson