Altar OT 2024 Front view

IN TODAY’S GOSPEL….October 6, 2024

已发布 : Oct-02-2024

         Our Lord Jesus Christ shows that what Moses taught about divorce was permitted only because man was so hard-hearted. What Christ offers instead is a more perfect way, a new heart, a new life of grace and holiness, a life that is able to share in God's love, and to reflect it to others.            

    Quoting from the book of Genesis, the Lord teaches that God’s will is unchanging. From the very beginning, it was always God’s will that man and wife should be together in a perfect union. 

                                                          ~ FR. PAUL DOBSON

Quotation from Benedict XVI

“Wherever politics tries to be redemptive,

 it is promising too much.

Where it wishes to do the work of God,

it becomes not divine, but demonic.”