Remembrance Day 2023


已发布 : Nov-08-2023

It is true that we owe a special debt to those who “for our tomorrow gave their today”. Yet we not only owe it to them to pray for the repose of their souls, but also to defend over again all that they fought for, and to oppose strenuously all that they fought against. Tyranny cannot be defeated once for ever, at least not until the Second Coming of Our Lord. Tyranny, the rule of wicked men, even when it is disguised under the cloak of “law”, is always looking to creep back.

We fought the Second World War to defeat the tyranny of Hitler and National Socialism, the atheistic philosophy of the “Master Race” set to rule with an iron fist over the “inferior races” of the world. Having won that war by God’s grace, we still have  to fight against the forces that Nazism unleashed on the world. It was Nazism that first imposed eugenics on its own people: the idea that only certain people were “fit” to have children—those who matched the Nazi ideal. Others were prevented from having children by State intervention, through compulsory programmes of sterilization and abortion. Similarly, the “unfit to live”, especially the handicapped, were forcibly removed from their homes and families and killed in cold blood.

At Auschwitz, the infamous Dr Mengele (the so-called “Angel of death”) conducted horrific experiments on prisoners who were considered to be of inferior race or “non-persons”, all in the name of “research” and “progress”. Many of those subjected to his cold, “objectively scientific” cruelty either lived in terrible pain and suffering or died. They were considered expendable.

Although this seems to be all in the past, it isn’t really. We now live under a tyranny—one that does not fly the Swastika. Yet like Nazism, this tyranny operates under the cloak of “law” or the “sovereignty of indiscriminate choice.” The most anti-life Parliament in the history of this country now passes laws that are trampling on the hard-won victory over Hitler. Our Christian religion and the protection it accords the vulnerable from conception to natural death, are hated and despised by the establishment which unrelentingly supports abortion, effectively on demand and up to birth. It frames and administers laws regarding euthanasia. It is sadly noteworthy that we see over and over again that tyranny and medical practice work hand in hand. This is a war that is most serious. Your children may ask you one day, “what did you do in the Great War for life?” What will you tell them? Whether or not your children ask you, Almighty God will certainly ask us the same question. What will we tell Him?                                                          ~ Fr. Paul Dobson