Our Lady of the Cape Pilgrim Statue

May: The Month Dedicated to Our Lady

已发布 : May-18-2022

In Honour of Our Lady of the Cape Pilgrim Statue. Holy Mass May 18 at 7:00 PM

Rosary at 6:00 PM followed by procession inside the Church at 6:45 PM

From Cardinal Newman’s meditations on the Litany of Loreto, there is a beautiful link described between the season of Eastertide and Our Lady.

     The Cardinal points out that the month of May virtually always falls entirely within Eastertide, and ushers in the summer with its early promise of flowers and sunshine to come. From this fact he draws the parallel with Our Lady who brings into the world our Lord and Saviour, and who in her own character and holiness prepares the way for Him.

     She is like the dawn of the new day of grace and life after the long night of sin brought upon us by our first parents. She is like this month of the year which is filled with signs of the summer which is almost here, and which has so many beauties of its own to delight us, just like Our Lady herself.

     Easter is above all other seasons the time of rejoicing, of anticipating the everlasting joys of heaven. After the rigours of Lent, a time of trial which exactly matches this life of testing and sometimes painful growth in holiness, Easter perfectly represents total enjoyment. Our Lord has won eternal life for all His brothers and sisters, who, like Him, are children of Adam and Eve.

     Our Lady is the first of those whom He has redeemed. She represents all that we are called to be when finally made perfect in heaven, though of course even in that state of perfect bliss she will be pre-eminent over all angels and saints.  

                                                                                   ~ Fr. Paul Dobson