Altar during Lent 2022


已发布 : Mar-09-2022

     Just as the Gospel of the First Sunday of Lent always relates Our Lord’s Temptations in the Wilderness, so the Gospel of the Second Sunday is always an account of the Transfiguration of Our Lord on Mount Tabor. The elements of the event are familiar to us all. Jesus took Peter, James and John to the top of a high mountain and while He was praying there in their presence He was transformed into light and was seen to be conversing with Moses and Elijah.

     The Gospel of the Transfiguration on the Second Sunday reminds us that, even in this life of trial and testing, God graciously gives us moments and seasons of joy and refreshment, of light and encouragement to keep us going on our way with confidence in Him. The presence of Moses and Elijah reminds us that in the teachings of Scripture which reveal to us the true meaning of Christ’s mystical Body, the Church, we are granted the gift of God’s truth to enlighten our path towards Him. 

                                                                             ~   Fr. Paul Dobson


In honour of St. Joseph our Patron, we will   have unique St Joseph Rosaries handmade in Fatima, Portugal, with its own beautiful storage case, for purchase after the 9:00 am Mass on March 19th.  Instructions are included in English or Portuguese. Other languages are available and can be ordered upon request.

Let us pray to St Joseph, the head of the

Holy Family, to ignite our hearts so that

Jesus may reign in it and sanctify our families.