SJ Holy Week Altar 2024

Holy Week 2024

已發佈 : Mar-20-2024

Today we are launched into the drama of Holy Week. As we make our way in solemn procession, we bring into the present Our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem.

     The Gospels bring us a detailed chronological account of the unfolding events. We see Our Lord command His disciples to bring Him a colt upon which no one has yet ridden. This very order fulfills an Old Testament incident involving King David and his sequestering of animals and goods, a privilege of ancient monarchs. As Jesus enters Jerusalem He does so as the hero-King setting out to battle, cheered on by His people.

     This occasion is commemorated in the liturgy by the solemn blessing and procession of palms. A Gospel account is read and then, accompanied by chant and ancient hymns to Christ the King, we tread our pilgrim path. After the procession, the tone changes from triumph to pathos as we hear the Gospel account of Christ’s suffering and death, and the Mass texts continue in the same vein.      

                                                                   ~ FR. PAUL DOBSON