Altar Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

HEAVEN ON EARTH June 16, 2024

Posted : Jun-12-2024

     In the inspired gospels, Our Lord’s teaching consists of many different strands.

    He taught His hearers about God, that is to say, about Himself and the other two Persons of the Blessed Trinity. He taught them about the rights and wrongs of leading a good life, morality. He taught them about religious observance. He taught them about their final reward after death. But there is one strand of His teaching which, in a sense, encompasses all of these aspects. It is His teaching about the Kingdom of God. 

     From His teaching, we know that this Kingdom, while reaching its full perfection only in heaven, is nonetheless already present here on earth. We know that it is to be found among those who follow Christ, are united with Him by faith, and by the expression of that faith in their moral lives.

     We know that this expression of faith, this union with Christ, is not a solitary activity.  Through our individual union with Christ, we are also united with all our other fellow disciples, both living and departed, at all times, in the Church He founded.                                     ~ FR. PAUL DOBSON