Donation Page Information

Support St. Joseph's Church


Dear parishioners,

I hope and pray that you are staying healthy – both physically and spiritually. I realize this is a difficult time for you, especially the pressure this causes you in your family life. Please let me know if the parish can help you during these difficult times.

No doubt you are aware that our parish relies on the support of our parishioners to operate – parish salaries, programs and ongoing operating costs (heating, water, electricity, etc.) – are funded through the generosity of our parish community. It will be a challenge for our parish to maintain operations without the weekly offertory collection, especially the recent closure of the church and parish office to public access.

In response to many requests that I have received from parishioners, here are the ways that you can continue to support our parish at this time through online means:

You can contribute to the offertory via online banking. To do this, the archdiocese will need to send you a unique account number. Please send an e-mail to In the body of the email please provide: Your name, Address, Parish name and Municipality.

 You will be emailed account information which you can use to set up the Archdiocese of Toronto as a payee in your on-line banking. Your gift will be forwarded to your parish. You can make a one time or recurring gift to our offertory.

If you have any questions please contact the Development Office at the Archdiocese of Toronto, 416-934-3400, ext. 540 or

Thank you for your many contributions to our parish community, as well as to our neighbours in need through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.  Fr. Michael and I miss seeing all of you at Mass and we pray daily that we will be able to gather together again soon.


Yours in Christ,

            Fr. Paul Dobson