8 September 2024 Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Archdiocesan Celebration of Saint Michael the Archangel
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
I am writing in anticipation of the Solemnity of Saint Michael the...
Our Lord had not only to overcome the misunderstanding of His followers, as we heard a few weeks ago when many of His disciples refused to accept His teaching about receiving His flesh and blood in Holy Communion. In today...
In the Epistle of St James, we read that faith without work is a dead thing. As Catholics, we believe that good works performed in a state of grace win more merit for us in the sight of God. This...
Sunday after Sunday we listen to St Paul’s epistles.
It is over two thousand years since the birth of St. Paul in Tarsus, in modern-day eastern Turkey. Paul, originally called Saul, was a...
In the Gospel we hear that once when Our Lord and the Apostles were crossing the Lake of Gennesaret, a great storm blew up while Our Lord was asleep in the boat. The boat was buffeted by wind and waves...
In the inspired gospels, Our Lord’s teaching consists of many different strands.
He taught His hearers about God, that is to say, about Himself and the other two Persons of the Blessed...
The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart which sums up all the phases of the life of Jesus recalled in the liturgy from Advent to the Feast of Corpus Christi.  ...
Today is Corpus Christi Sunday. You may wonder why Corpus Christi begins with Thursday in the first place. It is on account of the fact that it was on a Thursday that the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, the Sacrificial...
The Feast of Pentecost, which we celebrated last week, brought to a conclusion the yearly cycle of the Paschal Mystery, in which we commemorate: the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord; His Glorification in Heaven; and His Gift of...
The Feast of Pentecost, whose name means the ‘fiftieth day’, is the last day and concluding feast of Eastertide. The entire season of Easter, or Paschaltide, is a single celebration of fifty days, being the high point of...
It seems at first that as our Lord is taken from the Apostles’ sight, the Ascension is the end of His closeness to them. Might it perhaps have seemed to them rather like hearing that a loved one, whose...
There is a beautiful link between the season of Eastertide and Our Lady, said Cardinal Newman.
The month of May virtually always falls entirely within Eastertide, and ushers in the summer with its early promise of...
To the Bishops, Priests and Deacons, Men and Women Religious,
Lay Faithful, and all People of Good Will
on the Value and Inviolability of Human Life.
- NEW...
This is the greeting of the risen Christ, which has been echoed several times in our biblical readings during this Octave of Easter and in particular, in the Gospel of today’s liturgy. On Jesus’ lips this greeting...
Today we are launched into the drama of Holy Week. As we make our way in solemn procession, we bring into the present Our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem.
The Gospels bring us a detailed...
As we enter the final part of Lent, known as, “Passiontide”, in today’s passage from St. John’s Gospel we hear Our Lord’s prayer to His Father to be...
Today we rejoice! because Easter, the Feast of our Salvation, is drawing near.
Jerusalem, of which the Introit or Entrance Antiphon speaks, is the symbol on earth of our Mother, the Church, which is "God's...