It seems at first that as our Lord is taken from the Apostles’ sight, the Ascension is the end of His closeness to them. Might it perhaps have seemed to them rather like hearing that a loved one, whose...
There is a beautiful link between the season of Eastertide and Our Lady, said Cardinal Newman.
The month of May virtually always falls entirely within Eastertide, and ushers in the summer with its early promise of...
To the Bishops, Priests and Deacons, Men and Women Religious,
Lay Faithful, and all People of Good Will
on the Value and Inviolability of Human Life.
- NEW...
This is the greeting of the risen Christ, which has been echoed several times in our biblical readings during this Octave of Easter and in particular, in the Gospel of today’s liturgy. On Jesus’ lips this greeting...
Today we are launched into the drama of Holy Week. As we make our way in solemn procession, we bring into the present Our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem.
The Gospels bring us a detailed...
As we enter the final part of Lent, known as, “Passiontide”, in today’s passage from St. John’s Gospel we hear Our Lord’s prayer to His Father to be...
Today we rejoice! because Easter, the Feast of our Salvation, is drawing near.
Jerusalem, of which the Introit or Entrance Antiphon speaks, is the symbol on earth of our Mother, the Church, which is "God's...
Benedict XVI wrote an encyclical letter entitled “Saved by Hope”, in 2007. He reminded us that of the three great theological virtues, Faith, Hope and Charity, Hope is probably the least understood nowadays. Benedict saw the problem in...
Christ is the Lord of glory as we hear in today's Gospel of the Transfiguration. At first sight it seems strange to hear this account in Lent, the season of austerity. Yet we must understand that it is an...
On the First Sunday of Lent, we hear each year one of the Gospel accounts of Our Lord’s temptations in the Wilderness. This year we hear that of St. Mark. St. Mark’s is the shortest Gospel...
Lent is fast approaching: On Wednesday the holy season of Lent begins our long yearly journey towards Calvary and Easter. We call it a “journey” not only because it takes over seven weeks to complete, but because it...
In today’s Gospel, St. Mark continues the account of our Lord’s healing work among the Galileans very early on in His public ministry. All that Jesus does: casting out the devil, making...
Friday is Candlemas Day, the final liturgical celebration of the Nativity cycle of feasts. St. Luke tells us how Our Lady and St. Joseph brought the forty-day old baby Jesus to the Temple in accordance with the requirements of...
Thursday is the feast of this great event, in which Saul the Pharisee and fanatical persecutor of the Church was struck from his horse outside the gates of Damascus and heard a voice addressing him: “Saul, Saul, why are...
This public ministry is prepared for by Our Lord submitting to the baptism offered by his cousin, St John the Baptist. We celebrated the feast of the Lord’s baptism just this past Monday.
The great Solemnity of the Epiphany or “Manifestation” of our Lord, commemorates so much more than the coming of the Magi, for we celebrate no fewer than three “wonders” on this...
Although we are used to thinking of Our Blessed Lady as the Mother of God, and honouring her as such, we must remember that there was a time in the history of the Church...