We are very excited to announce that youth in grades 9 to 12, will now have opportunities for fun, faith and friendship within the parish! Our LifeTeen nights will include: food, catechesis, games, activities and prayer. Please pray for our...
We wish a warm St. Joseph welcome to our new associate pastor who comes to us from St. Anne’s parish in Brampton. Before coming to Canada Fr. Anish worked for Bijnor Diocese in India.
Having been assigned to St. Joseph Parish as my first assignment as a priest, I have been graced with so many first experiences over the past two years here. Some unique first moments stand out...
The Feast of Pentecost, whose name means the ‘fiftieth day’, is the last day and concluding feast of Eastertide. The entire season of Easter, or Paschal tide, is a single celebration of fifty days, being the high point...
Monday, June 6, 2022Royal Woodbine Golf Club | EtobicokeShotgun Start 1:00 p.m.
After a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19, the ShareLife Corporate Golf Tournament returns on Monday, June 6 to a beautiful new location: the Royal Woodbine...
In Honour of Our Lady of the Cape Pilgrim Statue. Holy Mass May 18 at 7:00 PM
Rosary at 6:00 PM followed by procession inside the Church at 6:45 PM
From Cardinal Newman’s meditations on...
Ordination to the Priesthood May 14, 2022
My Vocation Story
Our own Deacon Adam will be Ordained to the Priesthood on Saturday May 14th at 10 am at St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica. There will be a prayer...
Today is the Feast of Divine Mercy on account of the Gospel reading at Mass, in which we hear how, on the first Easter Day, Our Lord appeared to His apostles (without Thomas) and, having greeted them: “Peace be...
Palm Sunday recalls Our Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem at the very beginning of the same week in which He would be arrested, tortured, condemned to death and executed on the cross.
March for Life 2022 Theme Promo
Please join us on Thursday May 12 for a trip to Ottawa to participate in the 2022 March for Life.
Fr. Paul Dobson will celebrate Mass at 6:00 am and the bus will...
The Crucifixion of Christ According to St. Augustine Monday April 11, 2022 @ 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
St. Augustine’s reflections on the crucifixion explains how Christ is close to fallen souls and those who suffer from...
Act of Consecration
Today we rejoice, because Easter, the Feast of our Salvation, is drawing near. Jerusalem, of which the Introit speaks, is the symbol on earth of our Mother, the Church, which is "God's House".
The Holy Father is encouraging dioceses around the world to join him in prayer for peace and for the entrustment and the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the Solemnity of the Annunciation of...
Just as the Gospel of the First Sunday of Lent always relates Our Lord’s Temptations in the Wilderness, so the Gospel of the Second Sunday is always an account of the Transfiguration of Our...
The Archdiocese of Toronto has launched a humanitarian relief effort to help the Ukrainian people. Donations will support the Office for Refugees, Archdiocese of Toronto (ORAT) and the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA). CNEWA is a papal agency with...
Wednesdays 6:30 pm - March 02, 09, 16, 23 April 06, 13
An opportunity to pray the rosary for our loved ones who suffer from addictions, distractions and doubts which have led them away from family, friends, church and faith...
We are pleased to share news that as of Tuesday, March 1, St. Joseph Parish will be able to offer 100% seating capacity with no physical distancing restrictions. Please note that masks will still be required.
At the very beginning of Lent we hear of Our Lord’s forty day fast in preparation for his public ministry which would lead him through His Passion and Death to His Resurrection. The Temptations...