The Feast of Pentecost, which we celebrated last week, brought to a conclusion the yearly cycle of the Paschal Mystery, in which we commemorate: the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord; His Glorification in Heaven; and His Gift of...
We name the Holy Spirit “Lord and Giver of Life” in the creed. This declaration reminds us that the gift of life itself is of God. God created us in His own image and likeness when He breathed...
The Ascension of Our Lord to the right side of His Father in heaven, is the climax of His earthly existence. After His resurrection He said to Mary Magdalene, ‘I have not yet ascended to My Father.’ Now...
Today, the last Sunday before the Feast of the Ascension, Our Lord tells His disciples that He is about to leave the world to return to the Father. But this does not mean that the disciples will be bereaved of...
Paschaltide, or Eastertide, lasts for seven weeks. At the beginning, we hear of the accounts of the Resurrection and Appearances of the Risen Lord to His apostles and disciples. After this initial period, we hear of the teaching which our...
For many centuries the Church has celebrated devotions to Our Blessed Lady during the month of May.
Many recall the prayers written in Mary's praise such as the Memorare and the Litany of Loreto...
Today, the 3rd Sunday of Easter, we’re still at this wonderful part of Eastertide when our Sunday readings are recounting or us the different Resurrection appearances of the Lord to His disciples.
This Sunday...
The Evangelist John makes us share in the emotion felt by the Apostles in their meeting with Christ after his Resurrection.
Our attention focuses on the gesture of the Master, who transmits to the fearful, astounded...
Here are some words Pope John Paul II preached at the Easter Vigil in 2004. “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen” These words of the two men dressed...
Palm Sunday recalls Our Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem at the very beginning of the same week in which He would be arrested, tortured, condemned to death and executed on the cross.
It is Passiontide and the images in church are hidden from our sight. When Easter comes the joyful contrast will be all the greater.
Meanwhile we focus more on God. When we look around church today...
"As Jesus walked along he saw a man who had been blind from birth."
The disciples react in a very human way. "Who sinned, this man, or his parents, for him to...
Christ is the Lord of glory as we hear in today's Gospel of the Transfiguration. At first sight it seems strange to hear this account in Lent, the season of austerity, and preparation for Holy Week. Yet we must...
At the very beginning of Lent we hear of Our Lord’s forty day fast in preparation for his public ministry which would lead him through His Passion and Death to His Resurrection. The Temptations of Our Lord in...
On Wednesday the holy season of Lent begins our long yearly journey towards Calvary and Easter. We call it a “journey” not only because it takes over seven weeks to complete, but because it begins a long way...
“His eyes are on those who fear him; he notes every action of man. He never commanded anyone to be godless; he has given no one permission to sin.” These words from the Book of Ecclesiasticus (today&rsquo...
Our Lord today continues the teaching begun last week in the “beatitudes” with a direct address to his audience: “YOU are the salt of the earth—YOU are the light of the world”. He...
With today’s Gospel we begin a series of readings which will take us over the remaining weeks until we reach Lent. This sequence is collectively known as “The Sermon on the Mount” and takes up three...
The Gospels of the early Sundays of the Year following the Baptism of the Lord continue the account of the beginnings of His public ministry. Today we hear of the call of four of the Apostles: two...