Today’s Gospel is St. Luke’s account of the teaching of the “Beatitudes”, by Our Lord. These are short phrases in which He declares the blessedness of those who suffer now, because they will receive...
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Virtual Ordinandi Dinner
Sponsored by the Serra Foundation of Canada and the 6 Serra Clubs in the Archdiocese of Toronto to be held virtually on
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 @ 7pm
In last Sunday’s Gospel passage, we heard how Our Lord returned to His home town of Nazareth for the first time after His Baptism and told the astonished townsfolk that Isaiah’s prophecy...
To all those who volunteered their time and efforts to decorate the church for Christmas with flowers, the nativity scenes, trees and wreaths!
To our musicians who make our celebrations especially...
On the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception last Wednesday the Gospel of the Annunciation told how the ever-sinless Mary heard Gabriel’s message from God and willingly...
In keeping with this theme, parishioners who have a Nativity scene displayed indoors or out are encouraged to send in a picture to Please include your name. Pictures will be displayed in our parish...
The observation that nothing in this world is certain except for death and taxes is usually attributed to the eighteenth-century Freemason and American Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin. Some of those rich enough to afford expensive accountants actually do quite...
Ministry Donations to Mississauga Food Bank
Ministries collectively involved: St. Vincent de Paul Society, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Women's League
As COVID restrictions continue, the SVDP will be distributing gift cards to needy families this Christmas, instead of hampers. We are appealing for your support with food gift cards (preferably President’s Choice) or cash. Please...
Parishioners are invited to join the thousands participating in Life Chain across Canada and the US on Oct 3rd, standing together in prayer and witness for moms and their babies. We will form a ‘Life...
40 DAYS FOR LIFE FALL CAMPAIGN September 22 – October 31
40 Days for Life 2021
We encourage our parishioners to take part in this 40-day campaign of prayer and fasting by committing to one hour to stand vigil...
Building Back Which Kingdom?
Preaching on the feast of Pentecost in 2012, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI proceeded to compare our modern society with the account we read in the Old Testament, in Genesis chapter 11, of the inhabitants of...
Do you know that feeling of being underwater? Think of a time when you’ve taken a bath, and had the feeling of your head submerged, or perhaps the feeling of putting your head...
Corpus Christi and the Jubilee 2025
27 March 2025
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May Jesus and Mary be in your souls.
I am writing to you in anticipation of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi which will be celebrated this...
Below you will find the listing of clergy changes for the Archdiocese of Toronto. We give thanks for the priests of the archdiocese for their ongoing ministry and care for the faithful. We pray for the newly ordained, all those...
A special image of Mary, chosen by Cardinal Leo, has been delivered to the pilgrimage churches identified for the Year of Jubilee. This image will be displayed prominently in pilgrim churches throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto during this...
Earlier this month, Frank Cardinal Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto invited the Catholic community to participate in the Archdiocesan Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, taking place on Tuesday, March 25, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of Our Lord.
On Tuesday, March 19, 2025, more than 1,800 guests gathered in Brampton for the 35th Ordinandi Dinner, organized by Serra Clubs of the Archdiocese of Toronto. The annual event brings together the Catholic community to listen to vocation stories...