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The Value of Patristic Studies in the Modern Age
The leadership at St. Augustine’s Seminary is designing a Licentiate program in Patristics – it will be the first program dedicated to Patristics in Canada when it rolls out in the 2023-2024 academic year. Fr. Robert John...
St. Luke Evangelist
This Tuesday is the feast of St Luke who was a physician and a Gentile, probably from Greece, and was the author of the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. He was the only evangelist to record Our...
The Church keeps the memorial of St Teresa of Avila, a Carmelite nun in 16th century Spain, this Saturday.
She is rightly called the 'Great Teresa.’ Why great? Because she personally reformed and renewed the...
Teaching as Vocation – A Look at the Catholic Teachers’ Guild
The Catholic Teachers’ Guild is a lay association in the archdiocese that aims to strengthen teachers’ vocations through formation events, study groups, lectures and mutual fraternal support. As the new school year kicks off, President Andrew Hume reflects...
Encountering Christ on the RCIA journey
Rebecca Spellacy, who became Catholic as an adult, is the Director of Worship for the Diocese of Austin, Texas, and the former Associate Director, Liturgy, for the Office of Formation for Discipleship at the Archdiocese of Toronto. Below, she shares...
Just as the Gospel of the First Sunday of Lent always relates Our Lord’s Temptations in the Wilderness, so the Gospel of the Second Sunday is always an account of the Transfiguration of Our...
Today’s Gospel is St. Luke’s account of the teaching of the “Beatitudes”, by Our Lord. These are short phrases in which He declares the blessedness of those who suffer now, because they will receive...
How to Read the Bible in a Year
Elizabeth Klein is an Assistant Professor of Theology at the Augustine Institute, which serves the formation of Catholics for the New Evangelization through academic and parish programs. As part of its work, the institute helps Catholics to read the Bible...
‘Walking Together’ on the Journey to the Synod
Moira McQueen’s new book, Walking Together: A Primer on the New Synodality, aims to explain the history, meaning and relevance of synodality as the Church undertakes a two-year process of discernment. Below, McQueen, Executive Director of the...
In last Sunday’s Gospel passage, we heard how Our Lord returned to His home town of Nazareth for the first time after His Baptism and told the astonished townsfolk that Isaiah’s prophecy...
A Closer Look at Mother Mary
On January 15, 2022, Dr. Josephine Lombardi will be leading a workshop titled, “Mariology: Past and Present,” which will delve into current developments in the study of Mary. A part of St. Augustine’s Seminary’s...
Last Sunday we celebrated the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, a feast which arose from the Church’s desire to return once more to the institution of the Blessed Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood at the...
Cardinal Thomas Collins’ Book Recommendations
Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, is known to be an avid reader and, over the years, he has recommended a number of books while preaching at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica. With summer right around the corner, we...
The Solemnity of the Holy Trinity
What then have we learned from this series of feasts and celebrations? That God is One we already know. That much has been revealed from the very beginning. God has always shown Himself...
Watch: Vatican Conference Discusses Better Health For All
Everyone is now able to watch sessions from the Vatican’s wide-ranging interdisciplinary conference, “Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul: How Innovation and Novel Delivery Systems Improve Human Health,” which concluded in early-May.
The Solemnity Of Our Lord’s Ascension
The Ascension of Our Lord to the right side of His Father in heaven, is the climax of His earthly existence.
After His resurrection He said to Mary Magdalene, ‘I have not yet ascended to My Father...