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We live in an era in which verbal attack is commonplace. Politically, much of western society has become divided to the point of extreme polarization, in which one side views the other as positively evil. One politician running for the...
Clergy Changes for 2025
Below you will find the listing of clergy changes for the Archdiocese of Toronto. We give thanks for the priests of the archdiocese for their ongoing ministry and care for the faithful. We pray for the newly ordained, all those...
Image of Mary Arrives at Jubilee Pilgrimage Churches
A special image of Mary, chosen by Cardinal Leo, has been delivered to the pilgrimage churches identified for the Year of Jubilee. This image will be displayed prominently in pilgrim churches throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto during this...
THE PRESENCE OF GOD March 23, 2025
In today's first reading we heard the fascinating story of Moses and the burning bush. That episode was a real incursion of the supernatural into everyday life. An angel appeared to Moses in the shape of a flame of...
Cardinal Leo Visits Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary
In early March, Frank Cardinal Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto, had the opportunity to visit the Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary in Scarborough. Cardinal Leo had the occasion to pray vespers together with seminarians followed by a meal and fellowship. It...
Cardinal Leo Meets with Ukrainian Major Archbishop
In late February, Cardinal Leo, Auxiliary Bishops and other local Bishops had the opportunity to meet with Ukrainian Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk. In addition to their shared dialogue and discussion of issues of common interest, there...
Celebration of St. Patrick
His Eminence Frank Cardinal Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto recently visited St. Cecilia Parish for their celebration in honour of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. His feast day, commonly referred to as St. Patrick’s Day is...
Archdiocesan Day of Prayer for Victims & Survivors of Abuse
Pope Francis, the Bishops of Ontario and bishops across Canada have asked that a Day of Prayer and Reflection for Victims and Survivors of Abuse be observed for healing and to raise awareness. In the Archdiocese of Toronto, the Second...
Canadian Bishops Write to Government Leaders
Members of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops recently wrote to federal government officials regarding two issues:
1) The proposals of the federal Standing Committee on Finance to change eligibility criteria for charitable status – this letter can be accessed...
LISTEN TO HIM! March 16, 2025
Christ is the Lord of glory as we hear in today's Gospel of the Transfiguration. At first sight it seems strange to hear this account in Lent, the season of austerity, and preparation for Holy Week. Yet we must...
THE FORTY DAYS’ FAST March 9, 2025
St. Luke tells us in today’s Gospel reading that the Holy Spirit who had come down upon Our Lord at His Baptism, then led Him out into the wilderness for forty days, and during that time He held...
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis27 February 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As you may be aware, Pope Francis has been hospitalized at Gemelli Hospital in Rome where he has been since 14 February. His Holiness is...