Lenten Message 2025His Eminence Frank Cardinal LeoMetropolitan Archbishop of Toronto
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May Jesus and Mary be in your souls.
I am writing to you as we prepare to enter the Holy Season of Lent; a...
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis27 February 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As you may be aware, Pope Francis has been hospitalized at Gemelli Hospital in Rome where he has been since 14 February. His Holiness is...
In today's first reading we heard the fascinating story of Moses and the burning bush. That episode was a real incursion of the supernatural into everyday life. An angel appeared to Moses in the shape of a flame of...
Christ is the Lord of glory as we hear in today's Gospel of the Transfiguration. At first sight it seems strange to hear this account in Lent, the season of austerity, and preparation for Holy Week. Yet we must...
St. Luke tells us in today’s Gospel reading that the Holy Spirit who had come down upon Our Lord at His Baptism, then led Him out into the wilderness for forty days, and during that time He held...
In the gospel reading this Sunday, Saint Luke is giving his readers a course in practical Christianity through Our Lord’s saying on this theme.
Luke is unique among the evangelists in writing for...
Today’s gospel reading consisted of Saint Luke’s presentation of the Beatitudes. The Catechism describes these words of Jesus as the heart of the Gospel. If we are to find the message of Our Lord distilled...
Today the Gospel tells of a miracle and a vocation. When Our Lord called Simon Peter to be His follower, He won His admiration by working a miracle. Simon was a fisherman. On the occasion we hear of today, he...
This Sunday is the final feast of the Christmas cycle, in which we celebrate the event which St. Luke tells us took place forty days after our Lord was born, when “in accordance with the Law of the Lord...
Today's Gospel Reading runs together the introduction St. Luke wrote at the beginning of his Gospel, with the opening of the account of Our Lord's public ministry. St. Luke describes Our Lord's return from His baptism by...
January 25th is the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. The New Testament saint has such an enormous influence on the Christian Church. The basic facts are quite well known. Saul, a young and fanatical pharisee, was a rising...
Last week we were reminded of an ancient tradition whereby, on the Feast of the Epiphany, three different manifestations or “showings forth” of Our Lord to the world were commemorated. That is, His adoration by the Magi, His...
To all those who volunteered their time and efforts to decorate the church for Christmas with flowers, the nativity scenes, trees and wreaths! The church was adorned beautifully to greet the...
Although we are used to thinking of Our Blessed Lady as the Mother of God, and honouring her as such, we must remember that there was a time in the history of the Church when certain theologians denied that Mary...
On Christmas Day we celebrate the appearance on earth of God in our human nature. This is the “miracle of the Incarnation”.
For by becoming man, Jesus did not in any way cease to...
Last Sunday we heard the voice of John the Baptist calling the people to repentance in preparation for the coming of the Christ. Today we hear some of the teaching that he gave in answer to the questions various groups...
Today the Gospel introduces the figure of St. John the Baptist “proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins”.
St. Luke, from whose Gospel we will be reading during this...
Our Lord’s urgent message in today’s Advent Sunday Gospel would have had a very special place in the minds of our Catholic forebears only a few hundred years ago in a time of persecution in Elizabethan...
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1 December 2024 – First Sunday of Advent – Year C
Your redemption is drawing near. (Luke 21:25-28, 34-36)
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops presents Journey through Advent with the Most Rev. Frank...
The Last Sunday of the Church’s Year corresponds to the End of Time. In the Creed we proclaim that "He (Christ) will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have...